To preface and a little disclaimer, please feel free to think, "Oh my gosh, get some real problems would you!" or "You did this to yourself," or "I told you so." But please do not allow me to hear it, read it, or sense it in any way.
I am frustrated to tears, I have to take time every once in a while to crash. My kids are struggling in school a little worse every day. My house is a disaster and is too much for me to keep clean myself, so I tell my kids that they need to pitch in and do a list of chores only to be told by teachers, and friends that they are expected to do too much and I need to back off on them. Then the house gets the way it is now. I am unhappy so I send my dear ones to school unhappy cause let's face it, If mom aint happy, aint noone happy! I did this today. I feel like climbing under a rock and not emmerging until the all-safe siren sounds.
I HATE COLORADO!!! I know this might come as a shock to many of you. It is not home!! I hate the fact that my kids are so willing to see past it's effects and be okay. I am not! I want my kids to be the happy go lucky kids they were. I want them to feel free to call a cousin or a friend and be able to go play with them when ever. I HATE the fact that because we are out of sight we tend to be out of mind too. I call my mom and we don't have much to say because I refuse to break down and tell my parents that I am anything but happy and content. I DO NOT WANT to move to NEW MEXICO!!! I want to go back home to my sheltered life where I do not have to wonder what I would do if something happened to me or my husband. I miss that secure knowlege that if I had a crisis someone out there would be there for me. I know beyond doubt that if I had a crisis of some kind in Idaho, my parents would be right there, my sister, and maybe my group of friends. Here, recently I faced having to sit by myself in a surgery waiting room by myself wondering if I would see Chad again. I wondered if some freak thing would happen and I would have to return by myself to tell my kids that daddy's not coming home and wonder why I amin the middle of the Rockies by myself. It was the worst thing ever. I miss being able to call up someone, anyone and say I need someone to sit with and have them here. Instead I pour my heart out over the phone to get, "STOP...hang on...I said STOP!...Sorry you were saying?....Hang on I have someone on the other line....Ok you were saying...oh shoot...hang on...." Never mind! I feel like honesty is not invited! I feel like my problems are so indescribable that short of making an ass of myself, I have to keep it quiet. I need a shrink or something or maybe just a friend. So stifle I will...So I send out this plea to anyone who hears it,
"How do I adapt to this new way of thinking? How long does this last? How do I more fully hide it from my kids because I was told today, "you need to try harder to shelter your kids from your problems!! They are making them (my problems) theirs and they are showing it in their schoolwork and behavior. "
So I cannot dump on my Husband because his response is, "I am so sorry I moved you away...I made a mistake....we should have never left." (guilt trip)
I cannot show my emotions to my kids because I am the reason they are struggling and I over burden them. (I suck)
I cannot vent to my family because if I do,I would be told, " I never thought you should have left in the first place," or "I told you not to leave" or "so sorry...I have something else to do, bye"
I cannot vent to my friends....because the ones I have made here are more critical than my warped mind is.
Pretty good tantrum!!! HUH!
So I told you I am messed up! So I have a mountain of Laundry to do, I need to have my home looking like a model home by tomorrow because my frail frame of mind cannot take the negative backlash that comes when you invite 15 military wives over for enrichment craft group (who's homes ALWAYS look like model homes). Who by the way feel like they are doing you a favor when they mention that the sheetrock repair you did can be fixed by their very expensive contractor who just finished their basement complete with a theatre room. I need to shower but the fact that our water bill is astonomical keeps me justifying my disgusting hair and BO. I need to do all the leg work to defend myself in court because out of 42 people served with papers we are the only ones willing to fight our big bad homeowners association in court for fining us for things that didn't exist and expecting the ones that did exist to be fixed immediately.....Who can make a lawn green in 10 days by seeding? Why does it cost me 50$ in fines for every day I park my trailer in my driveway, which by the way is there to allow access for some friends who were being kicked out of their home to move free of charge. That is what you get for helping a friend.
The END...need to get started doing and I feel significantly purged. I will do what needs to be done despite my soul screaming, SCREW THEM ALL!!!! :)
I love you Rachel..You can call me anytime..I feel your pain..I am stuck in a little apartment single mom of 3 and working a full time job...I have 2 set of bills and I even live next to a sex offender...
Ditto for me--when Jared and I moved to VA, our house never sold so we had 2 house payments, my husband was NEVER home the entire time we lived there, the southern bible-belters were told by their pastor to ignore us (and ignore us they did!), and I was pregnant with my third child but babysitting four to help pay the bills. Don't even get mestarted on the housekeeping situation . . .
If you ever need to talk, give me a call and you can rant and rave all you want--I won't mind ONE BIT! :)
Thanks, I know it could be worse but for's enough!
By the way, all.... that was me that said, hold on... other line.... yaddah yaddah yaddah. I'm not a real compassionate person by nature, but I try to be. Sorry 'bout that. I feel your pain, Roach. I hope the rant helped. A good solid cry and venting always helped me. The key is to vent to the right person. One that won't make it worse. I've always found that there's always someone there to help me vent when I need to, and I'm glad that lady was there for you. Just keep swimming... just keep swimming. Love you.
Don't you have my number, girlfriend??? I would love to dish with you about the suckiness of living away from all the family. I can't tell you how many times I've curled up in ball and sobbed when I called a family member for some much needed support only to have them say, "Oh, sorry, I've got the fam over here for game night/dinner/etc." It hurts so bad, even though I know it isn't their fault.
And if you call between 11 and 3 I can almost guarantee no, "Hold on"s.
It sucks. I know. I hated Seattle with a passion for 3 years. Then I learned to like it and now I almost love it.
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